GeoTalks@TU Darmstadt

The lecture series at the Institute of Geotechnics

We invite you to take part in our lecture series. Each month a new exciting topic from geotechnical research and practice will be presented by leading experts in the field.

A lively discussion is encouraged following each talk.

You can find the programme for this year's GeoTalks@TU Darmstadt here (opens in new tab)

Time change for the GeoTalk on 05.07.2023

Please note that the last GeoTalk by Frederique de Groen and Dr Magreet van Marle will not start at 16:00 as usual, but at 16:15.

We look forward to your participation!

05.04.2023, 16:00h, online
Prof. Sascha Henke
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg and Chairman of the working group 1.6 ‘Numerics in Geotechnics’
Current developments and ideas for the use of numerical methods in geotechnical practice Recording of lecture
26.04.2023, 16:00h, online
Prof. Michael A. Hicks
Delft University of Technology
Modelling of Spatial Variability and Geotechnical Uncertainty by the Random Finite Element Method Recording of lecture
24.05.2023, 16:00h,
Building L5|01, Room 427

Dr. Jakob Vogelsang
IBO Beratende Ingenieure, Karlsruhe
Foundation of wind turbines on landfills
21.06.2023, 16:00h,
Building L5|01, Room 427

Prof. Andrzej Niemunis
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Partially saturated soils and contact modelling: new developments and findings Recording of lecture
05.07.2023, 16:15h, online
Frederique de Groen, M.Sc
Dr. Magreet van Marle
Deltares, Netherlands
Expert Climate Impact and Human Responses Recording of lecture
Sebastian Böhm
Implenia Spezialtiefbau GmbH
Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz: Special civil engineering in times of Covid Recording of lecture
Prof. Hauke Zachert & Dr. Mary Antonette Beroya-Eitner
TU Darmstadt, Institut für Geotechnik
The GEOLAB EU-Project: Opening Access to World-Class European Geotechnical Research Facilities for groundbreaking Research Recording of lecture
Prof. Dr. Raul Fuentes
RWTH Aachen, Geotechnik im Bauwesen
Recent advances on the behaviour of tunnels under seismic loading Recording of lecture
Dr. Aloys Kisse & Elisabeth Neuffer
CDM Smith
Concept for vegetation assessment on dykes using satellite-based data Recording of lecture
Paul Pandera
Keller Holding GmbH
Design of subsoil improvements according to the future EC7-3 Recording of lecture
07.09.2021 (13:00h)
Assoc. Prof. Britta Bienen
The University of Western Australia
Investigation of the monopile installation process and its effect on the lateral response Recording of lecture
Dr. Fabian Kirsch
GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH
Geotechnical design of offshore wind turbines – the foundation makes all the difference Recording of lecture
prof. Marco Barla
Politecnico di Torino
Rehabilitation methods for Italian motorway tunnels Recording of lecture
Dr. Karsten Beckhaus
BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH
Planning and realisation of highly deformable sealing walls Recording of lecture