As part of the , the Institute of Geotechnics of TU Darmstadt is calling geotechnical engineers from industry and academia to participate in an international Blind Prediction Contest (BPC) on the response of piles under monotonic and cyclic lateral loading. Two separate tests will be performed on a hollow open-ended steel pile embedded in dry sand. One test under monotonic loading and the other under quasi-static harmonic loading with more than 10,000 loading cycles. GEOLAB project
Contestant teams can submit predictions for both tests or for the monotonic test only. The predictions will be objectively marked based on their discrepancy with the experimental values. The teams with the higher score in the prediction of each test will be publicly announced. The rest of the submitted predictions will be anonymised and used for assessing the state of the art and the state of practice by the organiser committee.
Supporting documents for the contest can be downloaded now!
Organising Committee
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauke Zachert
Dr.-Ing. Jan Machaček
Dr.-Ing. Joaquín Liaudat
M.Sc. Simon Siegel
GEOLAB Project
The is a collaborative initiative aimed at advancing geotechnical research and innovation through cutting-edge laboratory facilities and interdisciplinary cooperation. The GEOLAB project, funded by the European Union H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, spans four years from 2021 to 2025. The ten GEOLAB partners offer access to a wide range of experimental facilities, including: GEOLAB project
- University of Maribor Large-scale Triaxial Apparatus
- Technical University of Darmstadt Pile Foundation Test Pit
- ETH Zürich Beam & Drum Centrifuge
- Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Geotest Sites
- Deltares GeoCentrifuge and GeoModel Container
- University of Cambridge Schofield Centre
- TU Delft Geotechnical Centrifuge and Liquefaction Tank
- CEDEX Track Box
- Gustave Eiffel University Geotechnical Centrifuge